As a twin mom and member of the Charlotte Mothers of Multiples Club, I’m so happy to share with all Smarties that the CMOMS Kids All Seasons Consignment Sale is BACK!!! Please join us on Saturday Sept. 17 at the Oasis Shriners Club, which is located off I-85 in the University Area and behind Sam’s Club. The address is 604 Doug Mayes Place.
Public shopping is open from 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17. The public is also invited to half-price shopping from 12:30-2 p.m.
On Friday night, Sept. 16, special guests are invited to a pre-sale to shop early with members of CMOMS, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. for a cost of $10. For tickets to this pre-sale shopping event, click here.
Smarties, this consignment sale is GREAT SHOPPING, especially for parents of multiple children. It’s a great way to purchase back-to-school clothes, clothes for the next season, stock up on toys for Christmas and more. And you can do it all without breaking the bank! With inflation soaring these days, this is a great time to shop smart. New moms can purchase some of the bigger ticket items, like bouncy seats and strollers, at more reasonable prices. And it’s also a great way for extended family members to pick up some “baby” items to keep at their homes for when young family members visit.
“This is one of those one-stop shop situations where you can find a ton of stuff and you can do it one day,” said Katie Rutledge, VP of Communications for CMOMs. “…Parents who have never shopped a consignment sale before are going to be amazed at what you can get for your money.”

My bittersweet parting with a preemie giraffe outfit at the last sale
If I’m sharing some of my mom shopping strategy here, but I LOVE using the consignment sale to purchase items that my three boys will use only rarely and that make so much sense to buy at consignment prices! Things like snow boots and snow jackets, Halloween costumes, Easter outfits and more. CMOMs will sell boutique clothes for boys and girls starting at newborn sizes! And children’s clothes are available from preemie sizes up to 16.
What’s different: The last CMOMS sale was held in February 2020 just before COVID lockdowns began. The group has held two virtual sales since then, but this is the first one to be back in person since.
The venue has changed! At 6,000 square feet, the Oasis Shriners Hall is smaller than Freedom Hall (near Bojangles Coliseum) where the CMOMS sale used to be. Due to rent hikes, the event was moved, but the smaller venue goes hand-in-hand with smaller CMOMS membership numbers, which have declined during COVID. This year’s sale features 80 sellers, compared to about 120 sellers two years ago. But if those other 79 sellers are like me, they’ve been stock-piling their sale items for more than two years now and have MUCH to sell.
I love the chance to get purge and reorganize by passing on our gently used clothing to families with younger children. And it’s a bonus that what goes unsold is donated to mothers of multiples in need, as well as a half dozen local charities like the Salvation Army, Promising Pages and more.
“We try to support our members in a well-rounded approach, but also fulfill our mission to be a good community steward,” Rutledge said.
* Parking is free. Please leave the children, as well as strollers and wagons, at home.