CSP Team Note: We are so excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Child & Family Development to bring you loads of good information about the health and well-being of your child. To kick things off, we recently sat down with C&FD to find out more about what they offer – enjoy getting to know them!
Who does Child & Family Development serve?
C&FD serves infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, young adults, and their families.
What is your mission?
Our mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated and quality services to children and their families.
You have a wide range of services – tell us more about them.
We are a multidisciplinary practice offering diagnostic and therapeutic services in the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. We offer psychological evaluations, counseling services, and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. We provide educational evaluations, consultations, and treatment. Our team of experts assesses and treats a wide range of concerns, including anxiety, ASD, ADHD, developmental delays, dyslexia, fine and gross motor skills, language difficulties, learning disabilities, sensory processing and more.
What is your office like?
We have two convenient locations in Midtown and Pineville. Our space is casual and family-friendly. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable. Our lobbies are cozy and our therapy rooms are fun! It is common to find moms, dads, siblings or other caregivers taking it easy on the lobby sofa or getting involved hands-on in the therapy rooms.
Are patients typically referred to you by their doctor or are they self-appointed?
We accept physician referrals as well as self-referrals.
You not only serve children, adolescents, and young adults, but you also pay close attention to their parents’ needs. Tell us about the resources you offer parents.
Parents are involved in all services as an integral part of the treatment team. Often times, parents attend their children’s therapy appointments in order to learn strategies first hand, as well as parent-only sessions to develop specialized parenting skills. We also offer specific support related to stress and parenting special needs children. We provide a variety of resources and recommendations for parents.
You’ve been a trusted resource for Charlotteans for 40 years – tell us how the landscape of therapy and treatment has changed over the last few years.
The fundamentals of good therapy haven’t changed at all from our founding: 1) a relationship with a knowledgeable and dedicated therapist, 2) a multidisciplinary approach to treat the whole child, 3) using a team approach, including the child’s family unit, to ensure success. Children and their needs are also consistent, even as the world changes around them. The main difference is that while our founders were pioneers in their fields, the evidence base of effective treatments has grown dramatically over time. Our current team of well-trained providers can have a considerable impact on a child’s development using targeted and effective diagnostic evaluations and treatments.
What excites you most about the next five years in your industry?
We look forward to the ability to use technology to increase the accessibility of specialty services. We want to be able to use telehealth services to reach families across the Charlotte region. In addition, our team of therapists continues to be on the cutting edge of diagnostics and treatment methods. It is exciting each year to be a part of the evolution of service delivery as we learn more about meeting each unique child right where they are and individualizing treatment to maximize progress and potential.
If a parent is concerned about her child’s development, what next steps should she take?
Parents are surrounded by a wealth of resources from friends, physicians, articles and just about anything you can find through Google. We offer many resources on our website as well, including developmental checklists. While there is an overload of information available to parents today, each child is unique, and so is development. We suggest an evaluation so that our highly trained clinical team can assess developmental progress and make individualized recommendations.
Child & Family Development
4012 Park Road, Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28209
10516 Park Road
Charlotte, NC 28210