By our Smarty friends at Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A.: With review and feedback from CEENTA ENT doctors Hunter Hoover, MD (SouthPark), John Kilde, MD (Albemarle), Roy Lewis, MD (Mooresville), and Gregory Parsons, MD (Lancaster, Rock Hill)
The coronavirus pandemic hit at the same time as spring allergy season began here in the Carolinas. Because some people might not know the difference in symptoms, today we wanted to discuss the differences between allergies and the coronavirus.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and post-nasal drainage.
The most common spring allergens are tree pollens, grass pollens, and mold.
How can I tell if these are symptoms of allergies or coronavirus?
Allergies primarily affect the nose and eyes. Itching of the nose and eyes can occur with allergies but not coronavirus. The post-nasal drainage from allergies may lead to a mild cough but not shortness of breath. Allergies may cause tiredness but not body aches or ill-feeling.
On top of that, allergy symptoms occur at the same time every year. If you get allergy symptoms every spring, your current stuffy, runny, itchy nose is also likely due to allergies.
Coronavirus affects the lower respiratory region more than the nasal region. While nasal congestion and a runny nose are signs of both conditions and may be present, the major symptoms involve the lungs, including cough and shortness of breath. In addition, systemic symptoms, such as fever and aches, tend to occur.
Please note that many allergy symptoms can be symptoms of a cold, too. The biggest difference between a cold and allergies is a cold will usually clear up after 7-10 days, while allergies are ongoing.
Frustratingly, a cold, flu, viruses, and allergies can have overlapping symptoms. For example, while a sore throat and a cough are more likely virus-related, they can be symptoms of allergies, too.
Online allergy care from CEENTA
If you would like a doctor to check if your symptoms are of allergies or something worse, you can now schedule a virtual visit at CEENTA, where you can speak with a doctor online from the safety of your home. If you would like to request a virtual visit, sign up for a myCEENTAchart account and call 704-295-3003.
Smarty Note: This blog is for informational purposes. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor.
Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates