On the way back from school dropoff this week, three does and a fawn took their time crossing Quail Hollow Road. Fortunately, both lanes of traffic were able to slow enough for safe passage. It was also a sweet sight. Shortly after, I watched the car to my left run a red light to make a turn. We parents are all guilty of rushing at times — particularly right now with bus delays — but it’s time to slow down. Past time, really.

Thankfully Bohkari’s children (son, pictured) suffered only minor injuries and his wife a concussion, the city councilman said on Twitter.
Last week, on the first day of school, Charlotte City Councilman Tariq Bokhari’s wife and two of his children were struck as they waited for the bus. News coverage of this incident reminds us all to take heed and be mindful of children returning to school so that they too can make safe passage.
There are some obvious ways to help during peak morning and afternoon commute times:
– Do not go around stopped buses, especially when the “STOP” sign is extended.
– Decrease speed when rounding a curve or taking a turn as a child may be waiting there or crossing the street (sidewalk, crosswalk, or not).
– Allow more than the usual time to get where you need to be.
That third one can be more realistic with breakfasts that are fast but still fuel for our brains and bodies; therefore, as part of this PSA, I want to not only vent but also offer a small solution: speedier morning meal ideas. In addition to a couple of ideas listed here, Charlotte Smarty Pants will feature three more “Speedy School Day Breakfasts” throughout the month of September. Look for one each Sunday this month!
Boiled Eggs on Avocado Toast
Did you know most grocery dairy sections sell eggs already boiled and peeled? Go this route if short on time, or boil your own. Boiled can be less messy than scrambling on busy mornings. Toast some bread like Dave’s and mash ¼ of an avocado on each slice. Place a sliced boiled egg on top or to the side. We also like a sprinkling of salt and crushed red pepper flakes.
Yogurt Parfaits
Choose a lower sugar, lower fat variety of Greek yogurt. We enjoy the big tub of Chobani’s Greek strawberry. Scoop about a cup into a bowl, topping with ¼ cup granola, some rinsed berries, chopped nuts if preferred, and even a little bit of mini chocolate chips for some fun!
Coming next Sunday: Waffle or Pancake Tacos!