CSP Team note: We recently chatted with Heather Schoonover, Director of Admissions at the Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS). The nine-school system now has online admissions, and Heather was nice enough to go into more details with us. Click here to apply for the 2019-20 school year.
Do I need to create a separate account for each child?
You only need to create one main parent account. You WILL need to submit a separate application for each child under that main account. Once you submit one application, you will be re-directed to the homepage and may select “apply for another student.”
Do I need to request my child’s student records?
Parents are required to upload their child’s academic records (report card, standardized test results, IEP’s, 504 plans) to the application checklist. If parents have copies of these items, do not use the student record request button. Simply, upload items to the appropriate checklist item. If parents do not have copies of the documents, the Student Record Request can be sent to the student’s current school to have them upload the required items through links in the email. Please do not mail/fax any documents to the MACS office.
How do I upload more than one item?
Every item requiring an upload can accept multiple documents. After a file is uploaded, the upload button will change to say “manage files.” Clicking on “manage files” will list what has been uploaded and will allow you to upload more documents to that checklist item.
Where can I find the teacher recommendation forms?
Once an application is submitted, the checklist will populate the student profile. Within the checklist, there are items that can be requested in a digital format or a link in the checklist item description to download a form.
We can’t decide on a school. Can we apply to two schools for the same child?
We only accept one application per student. If a waitlist situation occurs, the parents will be contacted to discuss opportunities at another MACS school.
We are a current family and want to re-enroll for next year. Do I still need to request and upload documents?
Current families DO NOT need to apply for the next school year or next school level (i.e. high school). Current students will receive re-enrollment contracts in March. Siblings of current students SHOULD submit an online application.
I’ve got all my documents ready, can I fax or mail them to you?
A. We’re now online! Please do not mail or fax documents to the MACS office. All documents should be uploaded through the online portal/parent account to the checklist.
I did it! I applied. Will you contact me when you’ve received everything?
Due to the volume of applications, we cannot contact each family to confirm receipt. However, parents can keep track of their child’s application, including the items required to be submitted, through the parent portal. After an application has been submitted, an applicant checklist will populate under the student’s profile. Once an item has been uploaded, the check mark will appear and the item is complete. When all items are checked, the application is considered complete by the MACS Office.