The Boss Baby
Director: Tom McGrath
Written By: Michael McCullers (based on the award winning picture book by Marla Frazee)
Cast: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Miles Bakshi, Tobey Maguire
97 minutes
PG Rating
Movie Plot Overview
DreamWorks Animation and the director of Madagascar invite you to meet a most unusual baby. He wears a suit, speaks with the voice of Alec Baldwin, and stars in the animated comedy, Dreamworks’ The Bossy Baby. The Boss Baby is a hilariously universal story about how a new baby’s arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator, a wildly imaginative 7 year old named Tim. With a sly, heart filled message about the importance of family, Dreamworks’ The Boss Baby is an authentic and broadly appealing original comedy for all ages.
Smarty Thoughts
My crew loved, loved, loved it! Alec Baldwin is superb! If you were a fan of 30 rock, you will totally get it! Imagine Jack Donaghy as a baby. HIL-AR-IOUS! I had several LAUGH OUT LOUD moments. In my mind, I am still laughing. My kids, who have no idea who Alec Baldwin is, loved it, too. They were mesmerized by all the action packed scenes. So much so, that a week later they are still talking about pirates, the cool talking alarm clock and learning to ride a bike without training wheels. Oh yeah, and they want me to teach them how to write a memo just like Boss Baby talked about in the movie.
Smarty Review Stats
4 stars out of 5
What is the movie rating: PG, perfect for a family outing
Did I laugh out loud: YES, lots of times
Did other people in the theater laugh: YES
Did my kids stay still: YES (not once during the entire movie did they bother me to go to the bathroom. That is their ploy to get out and run around)
Was the story line good: YES
Was their singing: NO, just dialogue.
Was the movie too long: It wasn’t bad.. it did drag a teeny, tiny bit.
Smarty Breakdown
– Loved that the movie was told from a kid’s perspective. This made it totally relatable for my kiddos.
– Reminded me of those hard, exhausting days of a newborn. (laugh out loud moments!)
– Opened my eyes to the dynamics of sibling relationships
– Loved how the movie explored the imagination and perspective of a 7 year old child
– Loved how siblings work together to achieve a goal.
– Loved how the siblings bonded
– Loved how the movie touches on family (love and togetherness) vs. work (promotion, corner office, portrait on the wall, big party) – GOOD REMINDER for parents struggling with this.
– Loved the characters
– Loved the animation
– Loved the ending. Tim is older and telling the story to his daughter….
Overall, I thought the movie was great! If you are looking for a fun family outing, The Boss Baby opens in theaters Friday, March 31st.