Give boys the opportunity to be themselves, and they will run with it.
Let Me Run is much more than a running program for boys.
LMR trained coaches combine exercise with fun activities and lessons to help boys learn teamwork, build relationship skills, create friendships, grow emotionally, amplify their self-esteem, empower themselves and others, and live an active lifestyle. They nurture and celebrate every aspect of what it really means to be a boy, and they let them run.
After every season, family, friends, and teachers are astounded by the transformation each boy makes. Let Me Run boys leave the program with a sense of accomplishment, a deeper belief in self, and a greater appreciation for their peers.
Let Me Run was founded by Ashley Armistead, my super cool neighbor:-). In the late 1990’s, Ashley was a running coach for Girls on the Run and a mother of two young boys. She couldn’t wait for her boys to grow up and have a similar opportunity. A lightbulb went off and Ashley set off to start Let Me Run. LMR is a seven-week running program for pre-teen and teenage boys of all levels, led by trained coaches from our community. Each team meets twice a week for an hour and fifteen minutes, and the boys exercise and participate in fun activities, which help them learn how to express themselves, reach personal goals, and improve their overall wellness. At the end of the program, the boys celebrate their hard work with a 5k road race.
Let Me Run registration is open and spots are filling up fast! You can find all registration information below. This is hands down my boys favorite fall activity!
Let Me Run
Fall registration is open, ages 4th grade and up. Register at
Facebook Coach group:
Twitter: @LMRBoys
Instagram: #LetMeRun_Boys