I don’t know if many people have seen this classic film in which a town is over-taken by pod people. These pod people look just like your loved ones, but they are not. They are aliens who were grown on a pod farm and have replaced your loved ones. I sort of feel like this has happened in my house. I used to have a sweet, adorable daughter. She was so easy going; she loved to play and eat and sleep and nothing really ever upset her. Somewhere in her 17th month of life, I am pretty sure she was replaced by a bizarre look-alike pod-toddler.
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Sometimes you meet someone and like them instantly. Maybe it is because you recognize…
EntertainmentThings To Do
Smarty Movie Review: What Have I Missed at the Movies While Raising My Kids Part III
by Guest Blogger May 27, 2016To continue our series of the best movies of recent years, today we will…