Smarties, we’re having a blast with our jacked up Fitness Friday series! Today we are featuring Pure Barre’s “Baby Bounce Back” special. Who better to chat with than Caris Malone of Pure Barre Ballantyne – she’s expecting her 2nd and she’s a barre diva!
Tell us about Pure Barre’s Baby Bounce Back.
For $450 you get 3 months of unlimited classes. Clients can purchase the package up until their child turns 1. Keep in mind, typically, one month of unlimited classes costs $225 so you basically get one month free. As an added bonus, you can take advantage of the new client special, which is $100 for one month unlimited. So big savings here with four months of great pricing!
Why is Pure Barre good for pregnancy and postpartum?
The first thing that goes on us pregnant gals is our abs. Which is why we got those awesome pains in our back, hips and legs. Pure Barre is a 55-minute AB workout. Your first thought during each exercise should be to pull your navel into your spine; creating strong, flat abs. Doing Pure Barre during pregnancy helps keep your abdominal wall strong, which helps during your first post-partum workout. The stronger your abs are during your pregnancy the faster you will be able to bounce back.
It is also super important to stretch, whether pregnant or not. We spend a lot of time in Pure Barre focusing on long, lean muscles. You achieve these muscles through stretch. Be present in every second of stretch during class; try not to shorten your stretches during class. It is also a good idea to stretch even more when you are outside of the studio. While your Bravo or HGTV is on break out in a little butterfly, straddle, or pike stretch. It will make a huge difference in how you sleep and feel the next day.
What PB exercises should I sit out during pregnancy?
We have a list of modifications for our pregnant clients that we like to go over on an individual basis. Everyone that comes to Pure Barre is different, so depending on where you are in your pregnancy and how you are feeling the modifications will be different. Please make sure to talk with your teacher about these modifications prior to taking class. We are here to make sure you feel comfortable and confident in each class, so PLEASE ask questions!
How many times a week should I do PB to get desired results?
You will start to see a change in your body when you take at least 3 classes a week. Three classes where you are at your deepest bend, highest tippie toes, and shaking zone. You’d be amazed what shaking does for your mood!
What Smarty tips do you have for new Moms looking to get their bodies (and minds) back after having a baby!
Get outside and enjoy the fresh air! It is so easy to stay inside snuggled up with your new bundle of joy, catching up on Scandel, but really try to push yourself to get outside at least once a day for 20 minutes. Maybe you take a walk or maybe you just sit and stare at a tree, it will make a world of difference in your mood.
Come to Pure Barre! We will work with you at your level to get your body back.
What are your top 5 healthy go-to snacks?
Peanut butter and banana
Kind snack bars
Pure Barre Charlotte
603 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
(980) 329-4640
Pure Barre Ballantyne
8430 Rea Rd #120
Charlotte, NC 28277
(704) 502-5888