Breaking news!! Our Smarty friends at YMCA Camp Harrison are hosting the coolest Olympic theme for Session 7, August 7-13. This is the PERFECT chance to sneak in another week of camp before school is back in session. If your kids are anything like ours, they are always begging to stay when you pick them up from camp.
Well, here you go – Olympics and all!
The Smarty Scoop on ‘Olympics on Herring Ridge’:
The Olympics-themed week kicks off with a dramatic opening ceremony followed by special daily activities and team competitions. Think boat races, archery and wacky Olympics. Olympics on Herring Ridge wouldn’t be complete without DJ Wayne at a team party, a giant pig roast and special musical guests! Before the closing ceremony, there will be a camper fishing tournament, special tie-dying, and a once-a-year Olympic carnival! Don’t miss the chance to sign your child up for our late summer session like no other.
Sound fun? We thought so. Here’s more information?
Email and register now!
You can find YMCA Camp Harrison at:
YMCA Camp Harrison
Ages 6-16