Think getting the kids out of school for holiday break is going to be all jingle bells and candy canes? Think again. Christmas is on a THURSDAY this year, and most of the kids get out of school Friday. Must we remind you what it’s like to harness in the Christmas excitement for a solid SIX DAYS?! Kids. Bouncing. Off. Walls. (Oh, and we bet you still need to get a few errands run next week – just guessing. ;-)) Then, imagine what happens the week after Christmas. Boredom sets in, right?
If you’re breaking out into a cold sweat reading this, never fear. Today’s Smarty Steal is for y-o-u. My Gym SouthPark and Ballantyne are offering $7 off your first Winter Camp spot and $5 off the second. Click here for the entire Winter Camp schedule and pricing info. Offer is good until January 2.
My Gym’s Winter Camps are so much fun. Your kids can bounce, jump, run, sing, play games somewhere other than your house. Imagine. Your chandelier won’t sway from children running back and forth upstairs, your children will come home exhausted, and all of your last-minute Christmas errands will be done. Win, win, win. Call them PRONTO, Smarties, and thank us later when your entire To Do list is To DONE.
My Gym South Park
5110 Park Rd 2D
(intersection of Park Rd and Selwyn)
Charlotte, NC 28209
Class Schedule
My Gym Ballantyne
2852 Rea Rd A2
(Blakeney shopping center)
Charlotte, NC 28277