By Smarty Teen Blogger, Olivia Clark
Ah, so here we are a few weeks into the school year, already with an agenda filled to the brim with work and a stress level pounding at the roof. It’s that time of the quarter when the assignments get bigger and the nights get shorter and sleep seems as if it’s a priceless treasure that only the luckiest of pirates can manage to pinpoint. Well, dearest readers, that big history test isn’t the only thing creeping up on your agenda. Just down the hall and around the corner awaits a very big, very stressful, very important test of a different sort– homecoming. Yes, homecoming, that’s what I said. You know, that one night every fall when girls dress up in whatever style dress was on the cover of Seventeen Magazine’s latest issue, take pictures with their well-dressed dates, and later post around 200 of them to Facebook, along with a few after party pics, too. It’s coming and it’s coming quickly; so, it’s time to discuss the dos and don’ts.
Girls, picture this. You’re standing at your locker when your BFF approaches you and greets you with a devious look on her face before exclaiming that the boy that sits behind you in class is about to ask you to the dance. Too bad you a.) don’t know him, b.) don’t like him, or c.) just don’t want to go with him. Listen, now is not a time to panic. The first rule of HoCo 101 is as follows: IT IS OKAY TO SAY NO. I am telling you this with 100% certainty having gone through a similar experience myself. Homecoming is meant to be a memorable and enjoyable night for everybody attending, so if you feel you’re date will not facilitate you in these goals, make other arrangements. Trust me, it’s not worth it to go with somebody you won’t enjoy being with solely to spare his feelings. I know saying no may seem difficult, but following a 2 step process will make it quick and easy like taking off a band-aid. Step 1: be gentle. The poor fellow worked up the courage to ask you, hopefully in a cute way, so don’t break his little heart. Just a simple explanation and apology should be sufficient. Step 2: don’t spread it. Odds are, this guy isn’t going to want the word of his rejection to become a school wide topic of discussion, so avoid talking about it. It’s the least you can do. Girls shouldn’t be and won’t be criticized for denying a boy. We deserve a say in who we spend our night with, too!
Now, once you have the date, all you need is the dress. This is where the real fun comes into play. The guidelines to finding the perfect dress are simple. It should be cute but not too casual, memorable but not too revealing, trendy but not too basic, and something you feel comfortable in. Don’t settle on a dress just because of the price or because your mom said it’s her favorite. The dress responsibility is in your hands, so handle it with care. Considering the amount of pictures that are going to be posted, you’re going to want to love the way you look. This also includes jewelry, shoes, makeup, and my personal favorite, hair. My final pearl of wisdom regarding attire is to try on the entire look before the big day… sort of like a dress rehearsal. If you don’t love it, you still have time to make changes!
Here are some of my favorite HoCo looks:
Finally, remember that homecoming is just one night of your life. Stressing over the perfect date, the perfect dress, and the perfect picture is petty and juvenile and just unnecessary. HoCo is meant to be a fun escape from school and stress for students, not a cause of anxiety! It is solely for your enjoyment and entertainment so have fun, be safe, and take lots of pictures.