I decided to get to the bottom of this President’s Day business and who better to educate me than the 6 year old and 4 year old know-it-alls that I live with. Here’s what they had to say, verbatim.
1. Name all of the presidents that you can.
Ella James: George Washington, Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, George Bush
Clay: No.
2. What kind of person should be elected president?
Ella James: A person that is really nice to people and that can pay bills so the government can be good.
Clay: A person should be, like, smart.
3. Which one of your friends would make a good president? Why?
Ella James: Julia Nelson – because she tells people what to do the right way.
Clay: Cameron Estridge – because he’s funny and he plays with me a lot.
4. Who in your family would make a good president? Why?
Ella James: Mommy because she is the boss of our house.
Clay: Daddy because he shows us what to do.
5. What is the president’s job?
Ella James: To keep the government good.
Clay: He’s in charge of something and stuff.
6. Is being president a good job? Why?
Ella James: Yes because you get to work with a lot of people.
Clay: Yes because you get to have fun and stuff.
7. Would you want to be president? Why?
Ella James: No because it’s a really big job.
Clay: Yes because I would want to be smart and stuff.
You heard it here first, Smarties! Everything you needed to know about being POTUS! Do me a solid and ask your children one of these questions and post their response here. I need a good laugh!
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Hysterical. Love clay’s shout out to his BFF. I also love clays response of “no.” Sounds about right.
OK, I’ll play during our grilled cheese lunch break…
Presidents: Owen – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the Obama guy, that’s all. Walker – Lots of James and Johns, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama. Izzy – George Washington, Barack Obama, Calvin Coolidge, Abraham Lincoln, did I say Barack Obama, I think that’s all I know. Thomas (our 5th child from down the street) – Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, I think that’s all.
What kind of person should be elected prez? Owen – They need to have the ability to be a good president. Walker – me! Izzy – Someone like mom (God I love my 3rd child:-), Thomas – someone who is nice.
Friend for prez? Owen – Brendan, Leo & Emmett O’Neill (triplets). B/c they are nice and smart. Walker – Connor Sullivan b/c he is smart. izzy – Emily Ayers b/c she is not shy and she talks alot. Thomas – Jonathon b/c he is very nice.
Who in your fam as prez? Owen – Dad b/c he is not shy and he is a person who is a work person, he sorta likes to work. Walker – Mom, b/c she is smart and fast at working. Izzy – Dad b/c he is smart and he likes to talk to strangers. Thomas – Ella b/c she doesn’t bother us when we’re asleep.
Prez job? Owen – He has to work alot and has to be responsible. Walker – to work and sign people’s things. Izzy – to keep the rules steady and make sure they are good rules, say lots of speeches to tell people what’s going on and to change the rules. Thomas – to make sure nobody gets hurt and do the rules.
Is being prez a good job? Owen – it’s not a good job b/c you have to do lots of things and it could be annoying to him. Walker – yes, b/c you help the state. Izzy – yes, b/c without a president everyone would fight over the rules and they would do whatever they want to and there would be no such thing as money. Thomas – yes, because you get lots of money when you’re the president.
Would you want to be prez? Owen – No, because it is so so so hard b/c you have to work for like 75 days and you have to make sure noone gets hurt and you have to be very responsible for everything. Walker – Yes I would but I’m not going to. I would be rich. Izzy – no, b/c I wouldn’t be able to see my family and it’s really hard and there is a lot of work you have to do. Thomas – yes, bc you get a lot of money.
Jen, I’m d-y-i-n-g over here. Dabbing my eyes with a tissue. Plym Kids’ responses are so dang funny.