As moms one of the things that is the biggest topic of discussion from early September until now is SCHOOL. Everyone has an opinion, everyone sweats the decision and we are looking for information. What to do, zoned school, magnet, charter, private/independent, homeschool? What is the right choice for your child/children and your family? It is enough to induce a nervous breakdown, multiple bottles of wine at girls night and for the hubby to start looking at you with a blank stare as you try to talk to him about this for the umpteenth time.
The Smarty Pants children attend public, private, parochial and charter. We want to know where are our readers children and what do you think about Charlotte Mecklenburg options. We have put together a brief survey to get your opinions. You know how much we like to give things away, so one lucky person will receive a $100 Visa gift card just for sharing your thoughts.
Please click here to take the survey. We can’t wait to see what you think and to share the summary. Thank you Smarty Charlotte!