By Dr. Andrew Johnson
Southpark Pediatric Dentistry
It’s that time of year again and Halloween is less than a week away, along with that never-ending bag of candy that finds its way into your home after a night of trick-or-treating. There are a few things that I typically tell my patients and their families in order to help minimize cavities:
• Separate out all of your chocolate/milk chocolate candy from everything else. This is the best selection to let kids have as it has milk (calcium) in it and melts quickly with no gooey residue on the teeth.
• Eliminate as much of the gummy, sour (acid powder), sticky and gooey candies as possible. These can stick to teeth for hours! If consumed, drink water and if possible brush.
• Have your child use a fluoride rinse (like ACT) will help protect teeth from the sugar and acid.
• Go ahead and let your kids enjoy the candy for a few days, then GET RID OF IT! Don’t keep it around for months. At Southpark Pediatric Dentistry, we can help you find a great way to donate the candy for a great cause!
Our office will buy back your Halloween candy in support of our troops! You can bring in your candy on either Tuesday November 6th or Thursday November 8th between 2-5pm. $1 per lb (5 lb limit). In addition, each child will receive a Chick-fil-A voucher!
All candy will be sent to the men and women serving in our military in support of Operation Gratitude.
“Operation Gratitude annually sends 100,000 care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions, to their children left behind and to Wounded Warriors, Veterans and First Responders.”
Southpark Pediatric Dentistry
2700 Coltsgate Rd, Suite 204
Charlotte, NC 28211
Office: (704)749-5700
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