Ever wonder what your kid thinks, but doesn’t say? I do this all the time with my daughter. I imagine her inner-dialogue to be much like her personality, witty and sharp. Here are my top ten, “I’m pretty sure she is thinking it, thank Goodness she isn’t say it” lines!
1. I’m not sure what happens if you actually count all the way to three, but I’m pretty sure you don’t either.
2. Lay off my chicken nuggets.
3. You aren’t fooling anyone by wearing your workout clothes. “Running to Target” doesn’t actually mean you’re “running”.
4. Quit updating your status on Facebook about my potty training and when I have a stomach bug. You’re ruining my rep . . .
5. Hang-up your cell phone and push me.
6. I have a better social life than you do.
7. When I let my balloon go on accident, it’s a big deal. How would you like it if I threw your wallet out the window?
8. Enough with the smocked outfits. How about I put you in a Peter Pan collar on you and see what you look like?
9. “Chore Charts” only work if you use them.
10. Heck ya I’m royalty. Read my shirt, “Daddy’s Little Princess”. Now go get me a juice box.
Parenting requires a sense of humor, thankfully, I have one! Let me know what your little “Smarty” is “saying”!
Friday funnies! Love it. Ella James: "When I ask for something, just do it. It will save us all a lot of time and energy in the end."
Good parenting means not attempting to steal colored pencils!! 🙂