After reading Jenny’s Baby Book Bust post this week, it got me thinking and digging. And I realized that I too have failed miserably in this category. You’d think as creative as I am, I would have this all figured out. Au contraire! However, I have been good about throwing all of my fun memorabilia in a baby book box for each child. My photos are protected on my external hard drive, so I could in theory get working on a baby book at any moment if I had a month to do it! But that’s not realistic for me right now, so I decided to reminisce through my fake baby books that are more like George Castanza’s wallet. In the process, I stumbled upon this note scribbled on a piece of Arboretum Pediatrics stationary, see photo above:
“Good job Mom – Hang in there! (this exclamation point actually had a heart in the dot, boy I must have had a rough mommy moment). You’re doing a great job. Your children are beautiful on the outside and you are making it so on their “insides” too…not to be spoiled…people of character:-)”
My writing at the top says “Left on my windshield wiper on a random day in October 2004 – one of AGP’s many tantrums in a public setting…”
Kind of a funny thing to have in your baby book. Usually you find happy photos or first haircuts, no I have documentation of tantrums. Because that was and still is my world. This wonderful piece was saved for Ansley’s “baby book” so that one day, she will read this and laugh, and maybe she’ll have a little four-year-old of her own and she can really relate! I can’t for the life of me remember what exactly went down during this tantrum, one of her 8 million to date in her lifetime. Not to be outdone by her twin brothers who are now 3! I’m convinced Randy and I have this awful mutated tantruming gene that only mom’s with tantrumers can truly relate to.
To the woman who actually took the time to write this note on a random day in 2004 – THANK YOU for making my day and making me feel like I am doing something right! I was so moved to find this note on my car, validating my decision not to give into my wild and unruly toddler.
Tune in on Sunday to read all about the true “Tantrum of all Tantrums” that followed this note. Trust me, it’s a doozy…
And, don’t forget to register for our two great giveaways this week:
From Budding Baby/Nutrition Specialists, a 4-week nutrition Express Plan to help you look and feel better! The Express Plan includes four nutrition counseling sessions over four weeks, a personalized meal plan, body composition analysis, nutracuetical recommendations and time spent discussing topics pertinent to you. This involves an initial consultation lasting 60 minutes and 30 minutes for each follow-up visit.
click here to register!! Giveaway ends next Monday, March 23 at 11pm.
Healthy Bottoms is giving away to one lucky Smarty the following: 4 weeks of diaper service, 3 free Prorap Diaper Covers, 1 free Imse Vimse Diaper Insert, 2 free Snappi Fasteners, and 1 free 16.9oz Charlie’s Soap Laundry Liquid, a total value of $130. Click here to register!
That little note is a true gift and worth keeping! What a fun read this morning to get me started after I started my morning yesterday and Target and Harris Teeter dealing with my 2 year old and her budding personality! J. Walsh
Thanks for sharing. It made me think that many people need those kind words more than they get and I’m going to try and pat those around me on the back more often. I have 2 young kids that often have me wondering what I’m doing wrong instead of right most of time.
My kids tantrum and I hope to one day when we get thru the tantrums to leave an inspiring note to someone. There have been many days that I could of used such a note . Thanks for sharing so we can pass it on
We SO know about tantrums in our home. Oh..but of course they happen MORE often in public! What a blessing that mom was to leave a note for you. Your angel that day! There have been SO many days I have needed a note like that. Thank goodness the newborn colicky days are over. Now our guy is just on to bigger and better screaming.Just please know you are not ALONE!! I just wish others would try REALLY hard not to stare when my guy is tantruming. I make it a POINT NOT to stare at others, say while in Target, and it is very busy that day . I don’t need 74 eyes gleaming at me, while trying to quiet my son down and get the heck outta there. GOD love ya’ll who don’t bother glancing my way:o)Have a blessed tantrum free day:o)
What many of these have in common is their relation
to estrogen. Another woman had her uterus removed due to Fibroids.
It’s hard for me to answer that question since I have severe scoliosis that causes back pain.