Let me start by saying that no two days are alike in my world. No matter what schedule I aim for, I am always thrown at least 4 curve balls on any given day. My last 24 hours have been particularly crazy for a lazy summer beginning.
Let’s go back to Friday, just to spice it up a little, even though it’s technically more than 24 hours that I’m covering. One of my twins, Walker (sweet photo above:-) has had this welt on his tummy for a few days. It got really suspicious on Friday, so off to the pediatrician’s office we went. We came back with the diagnosis of a possible staph infection so we started our first round of antibiotics. The first thing I thought of was that this kid is never going to make it to the pool. Such a trivial thought, but that was my rationale at this point. Later on in the day, I meet with a business partner on CSP and while she is in my living room, my overly-friendly 19-lb Maine Coon cat, Wilbur, starts rubbing all over her. While I’m trying to be somewhat professional, I notice a dangling something scary hanging from Wilbur’s butt. So I laugh, grab him and throw him in the laundry room and I’m thinking my friend does not notice a thing! Remember this tidbit of information, because it will come into play on Sunday.
So Saturday rolls around and daddy takes the other three children to the pool while I stay back with Walker. He throws a full-on tantrum for a good 15 minutes while he watches the family truckster drive away, goggles and swim noodles in tow. Walker and I had a great morning after he got over the shock and that was the last I thought of his infection on this day. On Sunday morning, I had every intention of taking our family to church, which is always a joy when I drop my screaming twins off at nursery. My other option is to suffer through the service with them running through the pews or whining. So either way, we’re not in a good place with our church ritual. But we usually get an “A” for effort. But we were spared on this Sunday because Walker woke up with his welt at least 3x bigger than on Friday, so off to the pediatrician weekend clinic we went. The first antibiotics weren’t working, so we were given a second one to try. We were informed that our next line of defense would be surgery to lance the abscess that was under his welt. Not really the route I’m excited about so I’m praying that the second antibiotics will be the ticket.
Enter, lazy, fat Maine Coone cat, Wilbur who is obsessed with eating balloon string. I touched on him earlier with the scary thing hanging out of his behind. Well after I put him in the laundry room, my husband pulled an 18″ piece of balloon string from out of Wilbur’s booty. We were appalled, but didn’t think much of it. Well when I got back from the pediatrician’s office, Wilbur had gone #2, the diarrhea kind, all over the house. He did this four more times throughout the day. Three baths later and just when I found him trying to go on my pillow (literally), I thought to myself, maybe this cat needs a little more than water and baths. So off to the after-hours vet clinic I went at 10:43pm on Sunday night. You may be thinking to yourself, why didn’t her husband take the cat, since my vet’s office is in the hood, especially at 11pm at night! Well I asked my hubby if he would like to take the cat. His response, you don’t want me to take the cat because I just might accidentally leave the door open when I get there! So, $438 later (why didn’t I sign up for pet insurance?!) and at almost 1am, I arrive home, exhausted but relieved that the cat didn’t need surgery, just a little fluids. Husband was not so happy when he saw the bill. That’s what he gets for not taking the cat in the first place!
So here we are on Monday. I’m tired, but I manage to go to the gym when my college sitter arrives. After, the girls and I try to sneak away to the pool, trying hard to distract Walker as we walk out with our obvious pool bags. Walker threw another 15-minute tantrum, which made us feel badly, but not too badly to skip the pool. When we get home, my house is a wreck (that would be because college sitters don’t do a lick of cleaning – but that’s ok, my kids adore her!). When I go to change Walker’s diaper, I notice another boil on his leg and off to the pediatrician’s office I go, again. I’m thinking I should have a satellite office at this place. I know everyone by first name – it’s kind of nice to be that recognized! So now, Walker probably needs the surgery. I’m told this at 4:50pm. I dial my husband’s cell phone and it rolls right into voice mail. Damn, he’s on the golf course! Who golfs in 100 degree heat?! I send him a text that we’re off to the hospital – me and my four kids. Lucky for me, I have really good girlfriends who were happy to step in and help. Actually, we got luckier. We didn’t have to go the hospital just yet. That will be first thing Tuesday morning (while you’re reading this).
Update on Walker as of 10pm:
Wow, I really didn’t think we were going to end up at the hospital or I would never have left you hanging! But we did. Walker needed to be put under and have his abscess surgically opened. We were admitted to Levine Children’s Hospital this morning and were so impressed with the staff and the facilities/amenities. Since our surgery wasn’t until the afternoon, we needed distractions and badly since Walker didn’t have anything to eat since the night before. The Child Life Specialists were fantastic and they swooped in with Baby Einstein dvd’s and lots of trucks for us to play with. I was also impressed with the A/V set-up in the rooms. It felt like a Wii! Very cool graphics and easy to navigate from regular TV, to video, to video game and even to the Internet. Very nice. Oh, and each room has Wifi – huge bonus for this blogger!
The surgery went fine, very quick and apparently pretty common these days. But the recovery from anesthesia was a nightmare. I’ve been through coming out of anesthesia with my girls previously, so I knew what to expect. But little Walker was a fighter. He apparently suffered from “post-anesthesia delirium” or something like that. Delirious he was! For two hours after his surgery, he was kicking, fighting, biting and screaming his head off. I’ve never seen anything like it. We finally decided to take him out of the room and outside. Thankfully we were escorted by a nurse or someone may have thought we were kidnapping a child by the way he was screaming and writhing! After about 10 more minutes outside, he spotted a motorcycle and was instantly calmed. Thank the Lord for his testosterone! But he still wasn’t himself as we just put him to bed a few minutes ago. I wasn’t prepared mentally for his anger towards his siblings. I knew he was in a bad mood, but his identical twin brother did not understand this new rage in his brother. Hopefully, a good night’s sleep will bring back the old Walker!
One last curve ball – when we got home, I noticed the girls being very sneaky. When I inquired further, I saw that they had three new stuffed animals. Lucky for me, I have photographic memory and could tell you when and where each of their toys was purchased. I immediately knew that these were brand new and I remembered that our sitter took them to Joseph Beth. Ansley is so funny when she lies – she just cannot look me in the eyes. So when pressed, they both crumbled. They lifted the animals and stuffed them in their purses. So off to Joseph Beth we’ll go first thing in the morning. They will have to face the manager on duty. I told them they might get arrested – hopefully this will be the first and last time they steal something! The nerve of them while we’re in the hospital.
Oh poor Walker, I hope everything goes well this morning. Your days sound alot like mine!! Except I am really blessed, b/c we have two college sitters and they both clean and do laundry!! They are awesome and my kids love them. Let us know how Walker is doing. Jennifer Hoyle,MOM to Alexis 6, AJ 5 and Carson & Dylan 2.
Wow.I don’t think I’ll ever look at balloon string the same way again.And I hope your son is ok soon.
Holy crap Jen! Let me know if I can help in any way. I can babysit (and I clean too!). Sam 🙂
I hope Walker gets well soon!!!
After reading your CSP’s letter of the past 5 days (and hearing your cell phone mesage Randy) I only wish Vero was close to Charlotte. Love, prayers and hugs for you all from Vero Beach, Duch, Mom, Doe and Norris
I hope that Walker is feeling better soon. Your ability to deal with stress is amazing!
Jen, what were those spots?????? Did the doctor ever say??? How is Walker this morning?–Katie M.
Yikes! Demons & thieves in one day. That’s motherhood for you!I’ve seen that post-anesthesia trauma before, it’s so sad to watch b/c you know they don’t know what they are doing. Glad to hear the motorcycle brought him back to reality. And you have to love kids first stabs at shoplifting. I always had to fight the urge to laugh. Sneaky little things :)Hope today and the rest of the week, heck, the rest of the month, proves much more boring for your clan.
Glad to hear that he is better. Post-anesthesia is awful…I’ve been through it with two boys and it’s so scary!
Glad to hear Walker is doing well. The shoplifting story is hilarious! Much love-Shanna
wow. I laughed so hard i cried…. been there with the shoplifting, funky animal booty, excessive vet bills.glad walker is doing better.
Jen,You have an amazing way of finding humor and patience in the craziest of circumstances. Keep us posted on Walker and the rest of the crew.
I have stories of pulling really gross things out of dog butts- we have 2 dogs. The things we do! I told my husband that he can never call me Ms Priss again after that episode! But more importantly, I hope things are going well with Walker.
Walker update as of noon on 6/13: He has MRSA – ahhh, gasp! Actually, we just had our follow-up with the surgeon and he made me feel really good about it. He said the media has created this MRSA scare. MRSA is a type of staph that we all carry on our bodies. The “MR” part is that it’s methicillin resistant – and sounds like a better story! So you just need to make sure that you’re not taking antibiotics in the penicillin family. It’s random when it strikes. When I read about it online, I almost purchased gas masks and bubble suits for the rest of the fam – Randy wanted to sequester Walker from everyone! But it’s everywhere so you can’t hide from it. I guess the bummer of it is if you get a MRSA infection, surgery is inevitable. But it’s very routine and not too painful as far as surgeries go. Walker is doing great. The one thing my dr. said is to put him in a chlorinated pool to help the healing process. Sounds nutty, huh?! I thought so too since in the back of my mind, I thought the pool may have been the culprit. According to my surgeon, the chlorine in a pool kills everything, so I guess it doesn’t spread in pool water. Don’t worry – I still won’t bring him to the pool until the wound heals over! We’ll just pool it in our backyard this week:-)Thanks for your thoughts and concerns – Walker is on the mend!
Good Grief Jen! What a crazy couple of days you have had! I’m home on bed rest so you gave me a much needed laugh today…not to laugh at your circumstances, but just at your take on the situation(s). Hope all is back to “normal” soon. Sorry to hear about Walker’s MRSA, glad you have great doctors! And we all love those child life specialists!!! 🙂
My husband had MRSA about 3 years ago. They treated it differently , Im sure because he was an adult. They gave him an IV with an antibiotic that was not in the penicillin family. He was on the IV for about a week, until his swelling went down. My husband was/is fine of course, but we can understand your MRSA fear.