For the first time since giving birth 7 1/2 years ago, I am not including “must lose 10 lbs.” on my New Year’s resolution list. I refuse to beat myself up any more. I’m ok with the fact that I will not be the size 2 that I was in college and equally ok with not wearing a bikini this summer. Lord help me when the tankini goes out of style! I may have to don a wetsuit!
I have decided that this tummy that birthed four kids including twins is just fine as is. Now I’m not going to run out and fill up on cheeseburgers all the time. I will maintain my healthy lifestyle and work out and eat right (my latest approach is the book, Eat Right for Your Blood Type – this actually makes sense to me for once!). I’m also hoping that my Invisalign weight loss plan will kick in at some point – I never snack because it’s such a pain to brush my teeth and trays. You’d think I’d be a twig, but no. My body is the devil and my metabolism auto-adjusts to any curve ball thrown to it. The only thing that has worked for me is to cut out carbs altogether. But I’ll be honest, I’m just not a nice person on this plan. I lose a ton of weight – yes. I feel better than ever – absolutely (why is this not enough for me?!). But I don’t get my wine and let me tell you something, 2009 is going to be a rough year for a lot of reasons and it’s not the time to live without my wine. I’m just going to leave it at that. So, weight loss is not a New Year’s resolution for me. I do not have the time to obsess over it and I have far more important things to worry about, like organizing my life. Whew, I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my shoulders!
So yes, you read it accurately, no more diets for this mama – 2009 will be the year of organization! I’ve already cleaned out my closets and am quickly moving onto the real beast – my computer. This thing is a mess! My photos have no organization to them whatsoever, just dates. And poor Ansley – my 7-year-old. She has no digital footage of her first two years of life, just photos and I have probably lost all of the film negatives (can you believe that we actually used archaic negatives?!). Aside from this, I am super organized with my kids’ things, especially their clothes and toys. We are a no-clutter zone in our house and we recycle often, thanks to consignment sales. I sell or donate everything I can each season, mainly to keep some sort of order to my house.
But when it comes to my personal stuff, I’m not so organized. My files are brimming, my work space is comical – you guys would keel over if you saw my set-up! I am a true post-it queen – somehow I manage well on the fly, which I often attribute to my adult onset of ADHD. I function quite well with it but I drive my husband CRAZY! He is Mr. Anal in all aspects of his life, so observing me and how I do things is quite painful for him!
So I’m working in phases. Phase 1 is my computer – I’m thinking this should take a full month. This will include organizing photos, emails, music, etc with hopes that someday, I will be organized enough to start online scrapbooking and perhaps making home videos. Now that’s a stretch, but not completely unattainable! Phase 2 will involve my everyday life. I need to plan my weeks on Sundays and work in appointments, school activities, CSP activities and grocery shopping (can you believe I still haven’t done any online grocery shopping?! I’m still in denial!). If I plan right, I will never forget another show n’ tell at school, never forget Donuts for Dads (I’m still in the doghouse for forgetting this last year – the memo never even made it to dad! I know, that is inexcusable!), never forget another half day or dress-down day, the list goes on. Here is a funny example. December was a crazy time in my house. We kept all of the memos straight but some of the executions got tweaked a little. We had 3 school Christmas parties to attend on the same day, 2 at the exact same time. So how does one successfully do this? I’m not sure how successful we were, we just did it. But the donut platter didn’t make it to Isabel’s Christmas party – the twins’ class got a few extra treats! And my husband delivered the wrong Christmas cards to the wrong teachers. They just looked at him and smiled. And then they sent the cards to the appropriate teachers! So yes, we’re sometimes a mess, but we get it all done somehow. But I can definitely use some improvement here and I just need to simplify my life the best that I can.
So share your organizational tips and even better, share your New Year’s resolutions. If anything, it will make you laugh either at yourself or at someone else’s mercy (like me!). And we can all try to help each other out. Happy New Year, Smarties!
Jen, We can ALL relate to you, especially us ADHD mommies…and who doesn't forget stuff now & then? It's a miracle that with all we do that we don't forget more!!! So we should start this year by celebrating all of the things that we DID get to attend in one piece! (Somehow, just like you, I can only signicantly remember the parties where something major went wrong: we had to leave b/c someone wasn't behaving, we had an accident on the way out of the door & were 45 minutes late, blah, blah, blah!!! CRAZY!:) Just wanted you to know that I am proud of you for wanting to accomplish some achievable items to help you as a woman, a wife, a mom, & friend to enjoy each day more! You will be rewarded b/c of it! And by the way, I met you several months ago at the Harris Y in the restroom….you look amazing, & without stressing or focusing on your body size/ type, you'll find that you'll probably be in the best shape and the happiest of your life! Keep up the great work! Happy New Year!
Jen – what a great new year's day post – and good for you for not including losing 10 pounds on the list – it can be such a burden…love your healthy attitude. so for resolutions – Organization is top on my list too. It feels so good to purge things not needed and leave room in your life for the things that count.Second is doing more cultural things in Charlotte. This city has so much to offer and I want to experience more of it with my family.As for organizing photos, etc. I keep each group of photos in a separate folder by name & date. Be sure to back up your files on an external hard drive and burn to a DVD regularly so you have your photos in 2 different places at least. You don't want to lose these precious mementos that are not recoverable if lost.Light Impressions is a great archiving company that I use for supplies…you can store your negatives in archivally safe files in a 3 ring binder. Also CDs can be stored this way too.Best of luck and Happy new year to all!Nanine
Our closets are out of control and we’ve only lived in our house for 2 years. Also, our baby just started crawling so it’s time to baby proof. Rather than thinking I can clean out my closets and baby proof the entire house in one weekend which sounds terrible, we are going to assign one section of the house (kitchen is first) per weekend to baby proof and organize closets/drawers/shelves. It doesn’t seem so bad that way.
Jen, when it comes to organization I have two words…Carson Tate. She owns Living Simply. Even one coaching session you will be amazed. Well worth the money.
You know what I think I really need? An intern? Does anyone know how to go about doing this?!
I read somewhere that you should focus on one room in your house each month. Organize, clean out, redecorate, etc. Does it work?…I don’t know but I’m going to try.
Jen,You are beautiful and just right the way you are. Congratulations on removing that weight loss goal from your list – and focusing on healthy. Much more important!I met you at Jessica W.’s shortly after you lost Jen B. and I lost a friend to breast cancer. I LOVE your site, thank you for all the wisdom you share with us mommies!! :))) Carolyn Cooper