Move over yogis, it’s time for Pure Barre junkies to get their bragging rights! Pure Barre Charlotte is hosting the “30-day Pure Barre Challenge”! We challenge Y-O-U to commit to 30 days of Pure Barre. You in?
For those of you not familiar with the latest workout obsession, Pure Barre, here’s an excerpt from a blog written by Smarty Cheryl and Pure Barre Goddess (seriously, I only dream of PB’ing like she does:-)
Pure Barre is like a pumped up fusion of yoga, Pilates and sculpting. For 55 minutes you focus on isometric movements in four main areas: arms, thighs, seat, and abs (in that order). By “isometric” I mean “just an inch movements.” Hardly anything you say? Well, there’s something about doing “just an inch” movements that will have you shaking uncontrollably halfway through the first thigh exercise. Trust me.
Portions of the class are done at a ballet barre but don’t worry, you don’t have to have an ounce of dance talent to do any of it. It just makes for a super effective and unique way to isolate some of the most stubborn muscle groups (especially for us moms!) – thighs, butt, and stomach.
Owner of PB Charlotte, Casie Scott, is challenging you to do at least 20 days of PB in one month. You can do anything for one month, right?! Especially as bikini season is fast-approaching! If you are successful, and we know you will be, then you’ll get one month of unlimited PB for $100. What a Smarty steal!! BRING-IT-ON, this Smarty is IN!!!
Sign up by April 15th at Pure Barre Charlotte and you are officially GAME ON!
Myers Park Location
Ballantyne Location
Find them on facebook!
Cheryl’s full blog
You know I L-O-V-E this challenge – I’m the first one signed up in the Ballantyne location (Casie had JUST put up the poster!) ha ha ha ha!
Ready to start monday….
So how does this work if you join normally, was looking at it online and trying to figure it out. Do you sign up for the classes you want to attend, and is there a limit to how many people can come to each class. Do the classes sell out. Do you have to get there early like you do for some of the classes at the Y to get a spot.
You have to sign up online, classes definitely get too booked. So if you’re a new client, you sign up for that first month for $100, you can go as many times as you want. But if you do at least 20 starting April 15th, then you will get your second month for $100. Make sure you sign up for the newsletters for each location b/c there are often specials specific to a location. So my plan is to do classes M-F, b/c who am I kidding, I’ll never make it on the weekend!
And the challenge runs from April 15th-May 14th, a 30-Day challenge. You have to do at least 20 to get the next month at the same rate. In a normal setting, I usually go 4x/week.
can you go to any location or just one?
You can go to either location typically, but every once in a while there will be promotions just for one location.