So it’s mid-July and visits to the pool have gotten a little old, right? (Or if you’re like me, the thought of getting three little tots into bathing suits, swim diapers and lathered in sunblock is more than you feel like doing some days!) Then I’ve got a great solution for a way to beat the heat with your kiddos: DISCOVERY PLACE! I’ve taken my 2-year-old son twice in a two-week span – once to Discovery Place Science in uptown Charlotte and then again to Discovery Place Kids in Huntersville – and we’ve had a blast each time.
I grew up in Charlotte but somehow had never been to Discovery Place until last month when we had friends in town who were staying uptown. Discovery Place Science was the perfect compromise when we were looking for an activity to please kids in a wide range of ages. My friend’s son is 10, and I had both my 10-year-old niece visiting and my 2-year-old in tow. Discovery Place Science had plenty to keep everybody entertained, including two moms who got a kick out of watching it all unfold.

Wade playing with the water table at Discovery Place Science

Wade trying his beloved tractor at Discovery Place Kids
Then, this past week, my mom and I took Wade to Discovery Place Kids in Huntersville. We’d had such a good time uptown and wanted to see what he thought of a museum geared even more toward kids his age. I’d wanted to take him to the “Touch a Truck” exhibit Discovery Place Kids-Huntersville hosted in April but we couldn’t fit it into our schedule. As it was, even without a special exhibit, Discovery Place Kids had enough steering wheels for Wade to get his hands on to keep him grinning from ear-to-ear for almost two hours. He got to “drive” an ambulance, a race car, a boat….and his favorite, a big orange tractor. Discovery Place Kids gave us great one-stop shopping: where else was Wade going to experience what it’s like to milk a cow (without the smell), cook in an oven (without getting burned) and shop in a kid-sized grocery store (without having to beg mom to get out of the grocery cart?)

Wade running the elevator, just like Corduroy in one of his favorite books
Bottom line, for short attention spans, two hours of activity at Discovery Place Kids-Huntersville was worth the price of admission. It was $10 for both adults and kids and parking is free. Discovery Place Science Uptown is a little bit more of an investment – $17 for adults and $13 for kids plus $12 for parking – but there is more variety there, plus the IMAX theatre, which makes it all the more appealing for all ages.
Also, you can use the price of a single admission toward a yearly membership, which at the rate we’re going, might just be a good idea! Next up – Discovery Place Nature!
Link to Discovery Place membership information:
Soccer shots: I want to thank the awesome folks at Charlotte’s Soccer Shots, who apparently read my last blog about taking my son Wade to his first soccer practice. Little did I know when I wrote that he was disappointed his first soccer jersey was gray and not orange, they would see it and send him an orange jersey in the mail. It was such a fun gesture by an organization I’m learning will bend over backwards to make sure our little kiddos have a great experience with soccer. Three practices in, Wade has learned so much and is having tons of fun. Many, many thanks to Charlotte Soccer Shots!
Link to my last blog:
Link to Charlotte Soccer Shots website: