Thank you to everyone who came to our first ever Town Hall on Social Media Parenting. It was a big success, and accomplished what we set out to do: get the conversation going. We plan to hold these types of events twice a year – once in the fall and once in the spring. Be on the lookout for our next Town Hall date. In the meantime, here are some resources we pulled from our education partners on social media and parenting. We will be adding to this list as more are published.
Charlotte Country Day School
6 Things to Think About Before You Turn Over a Smartphone to your Child
Social media platforms weren’t designed for children, and the skills required to fluently navigate these worlds are ones that most kids simply don’t possess: self-restraint, savviness about marketing techniques, sophisticated social skills, an understanding of audience, media literacy skills, and time management skills.
Role Modeling Good Digital Citizenship Habits
Our children emulate the ways in which we engage with technology. It’s not too late to model positive behavior.
Pokémon Go—Don’t Dismiss It!
Opportunities to engage and bond with your kids
Ten Tips for Balancing Stress for Your Kids
All of these are on the BucsBlog.
Providence Day School
All about PDS’s Digital Citizenship:
Families Managing Media
Why Social Media is not Smart for Middle School Kids