The FlyBarre Challenge hits Crown Town on September 15th and you don’t want to miss this opportunity to shed inches and make your muscles literally POP out without even flexing. Team Smarty rose to the FlyBarre Challenge back in January 2013 and we are hooked on this amazing workout.
Why FlyBarre?
Many of us are great at cardio exercises and terrible at finding the right exercise routine to build strength, muscles and CORE! Did you know that the key to everything in life is a strong core? (seriously – take Harvard’s word for it) As we age, our posture suffers as well as many other parts of our body and most of us are neglecting our core!
FlyBarre is a total body sculpting class that blends the best of light weight training, dance, and core strengthening exercises. Based on small intense interval exercises, FlyBarre is designed to reshape your body for lean, strong, sexy, and elongated muscles.
Give them just 6 weeks and Team Smarty guarantees you will change your body. You will lose inches. You will sculpt and tone your muscles. You will tighten up in places that other exercise routines never touch. You will see visible results quickly.
The Challenge starts September 15th and registration ends September 10. Sign up now at Flywheel Sports Charlotte!
The FlyBarre Challenge includes:
– 24 FlyBarre classes – 6 week commitment of 4 classes per week
– Weekly measurements and mentoring from your Challenge leader
– Weekly technique workshops to help you reach your goal
– Nutrition sessions
– Kick-off and closing parties with instructors and other Challenge participants
– FlyBarre intensives (mini truncated version of the class, each one will focus on a different area, arms, thighs, butt, abs)
– FlyBarre stretching/restorative session
Commit, Smarty Charlotte! You will be so happy that you did!