With my oldest nearly 10, I’m finding it just a wee bit more difficult to keep the magic of Christmas alive. She has classmates who have flat out told her that their mom revealed the truth. Somehow, my little dreamer doesn’t buy that story and is a B-E-L-I-E-V-E-R for sure! Although I’m worried this may be my last year. And then what? The full-on scam is revealed, that’s what. No more Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Elf on the Shelf either. Which means she’s on the fast track to tween-hood, Lord help me! So I’m turning to you, Smarty Charlotte, to give me some tips as to how to keep the magic going and strong!
All I have to say is thank God for that Elf on the Shelf. I nearly peed my pants when the elf first arrived this year. On that first day, my oldest tilted her head slightly while glancing up at the elf, and talked so sweetly to her brothers and sisters all the while smiling like the littlest angel. Ha, trust me, that never happens in this household!
So our elf, aka Leta, has super powers. She is completely plugged into the electronic world that we live in and our kids BELIEVE that she has mini cameras mounted in all areas of the house including the family truckster. I know this is stretching things a bit far, but the power that this elf gives me is true magic. I don’t mind when I wake up in a panic at 3am after a cocktail party only to realize that we haven’t moved the elf! That Leta is always looking out for me, so I never miss a nightly move! Our elf also leaves notes periodically to give the children updates on the good, the bad and the ugly! So when that elf truth is revealed, I’m going to be pretty bummed out!
As for Santa, thanks to Ashley’s post on the PNP, this deal is hook, line and sinker. Ansley was screaming for joy when she saw Santa mention the iPod she has at the top of her list. And pictures from our trips and recitals – that child was in like flynn! Santa always leaves traces when he visits the Plym house. One year, he left soot footprints on the wood floor (note, not on carpet, much easier clean-up) and last year my hubby stepped it up 10 notches. I’m not exactly sure how, but he somehow rigged red sleigh marks in our driveway – these bad boys were made with a red metal contraption that stayed for months!
This year the pump fake may not be too hard – could it be that Charlotte actually gets a WHITE Christmas??!! If so, don’t forget to leave footprints in the snow right outside where the chimney is.
Share your tricks!!
We keep it really short and simple in our house….You don't believe, you don't receive! It has worked beautifully for my 11 and 6 year olds. We have blown the cover on tooth fairy and Easter Bunny for the 11 year old.
I remember sitting in the back of our van when I was 11 (and my sister was 8), squeezing my eyes shut, saying "I DO BELIEVE in Santa Claus, I DO BELIEVE in Santa Claus." The magic was alive and well in our house for a long time. We always heard Santa, but knew not to get out of bed. My parents would always explain away that the heat broke (several years in a row) or Santa was on the roof, etc. Innocence is beautiful and we were graciously rewarded for our belief.