There seems to be a divide among moms: those who are paper planners and those who are e-planners. Although I make my writing career online, I am still very much a pen-to-paper girl (and I bet after reading this post, some of you e-planners might make the switch to paper – just sayin’ – it’s waaaaay more fun on this side). And, with four kids, a hubby who travels, and two part-time jobs, my planner is quite literally my LIFE – if it’s not in the planner, it’s not happening (and um, some days it doesn’t happen even if it’s in my planner).
I LOVE planning my days, weeks, and months in writing – there’s something soothing about it to me. Maybe it’s because I kept journals (fancy word for “diaries”) from about age eight until I got married. I have book after book filled to the brim with my day-to-day humdrum (although when I was 13, 16, and 18 I didn’t think of it as humdrum – it was DRAMA). Note to self: Go back and read some of your thirteen-year-old self’s “problems” so you can start relating to your tween on a whole new level! π I have journals I kept through all four pregnancies. I have a journal specifically for the ten months I was engaged.
I don’t keep the same kind of journals today. I just don’t have the energy for some reason. But, I do keep my planner. My planners over the last ten years are basically the only things I have to remember this day-to-day parenting thing. They are my journals. The appointments, the play dates, the vacations, the date nights, the school functions – those are the littles that make up the big. I barely print pictures anymore, but I have my personal CSP blog posts and my planners. When I look back at either in thirty years, I am sure I will laugh, cry, and wonder how in the heck I lived through it.
My absolute favorite obsession when it comes to planners and calendars is California-based Erin Condren. She has the most amazing and FUN line of stationery, “LifePlanners” (the EC term for the best planners in all the land), accessories, and more. Erin is a mom (check out her story here), and I absolutely love how she makes the mom gig so colorful. Since I’ve been a huge fan for a couple of years, I was THRILLED when I was able to be a part of a small team of bloggers to get a sneak peek of the new LifePlanner to review and share. These are available to the public TOMORROW (June 9), but check out what came to my door step the other day*:
Love at first sight. The 2015-16 Erin Condren LifePlanner. Fresh. If you’re already an Erin Condren fan and haven’t seen the newest LifePlanner get ready to be super impressed. They’ve made subtle but awesome changes that will make you an even bigger fan (not all my pictures show the changes – click here for the complete LookBook to see all the deets from professionals!).
I’ve had many a planner, and here’s what I love about the newest Erin Condren LifePlanner:
1. Personalization. Personalize the cover with family photos, names, designs. Personalize the inside with photo stickers. (I love to put the picture of the birthday girl or boy on his or her birthday.)
2015-16 LifePlanner waiting to be filled to the brim with life.
2. Weekly and monthly views. I couldn’t do without this. I looked for a LONG time for a planner with both. I have to look at the entire month and have space for weekly details. The newest LifePlanner has the option for vertical or horizontal views of the week. I chose horizontal this year because it just gave me more space for way I list and take notes. Last year was vertical. As a leftie, the horizontal feels more natural for some reason. Love the blank boxes on the right of each day – perfect place for a memory, goal, extra To Do, or birthday sticker.
Here’s an example of the vertical view – love this layout, too, but I’m excited to have a little change this year:
Monthly view – plenty of space for a busy family – you should see my May 2015 #chockedfull:
3. Bedazzle-worthy. We all know our schedules are IN.SANE. I LOVE that my schedule is insane but pretty :-). Erin Condren’s markers, stickers, and accessories are amazing and make me happy. If you have any itch to be creative but don’t have the time, THIS is how you can scratch it.
(oops – already used the “Hair Appointment” sticker! ;-))
4. A place for everything. There’s a folder in the back for invitations, receipts, important papers plus a sealed pouch for business cards and other do-dads.
5. Accessories. Markers, Snap-In To-Do lists, Snap-In Meal Planners, event stickers, calling cards, elastic bands. SO many ways to customize and have fun with it – click here for all the accessories.
Erin Condren’s LifePlanner would make the PERFECT graduation gift for a high school or college grad – I can’t imagine how much fun it’d be to have this college. π
Check out Erin Condren’s full line beyond LifePlanners here – one of my family’s favorite things is the FUNctional Family Notepad. We LOVE filling this out every week – my daughter is now in charge of it. It’s my kids’ go-to for a busy week and makes our kitchen so pretty despite the fact that it means I’m in the car 24/7 shuffling gaggles of kids around all week! π
We have a Chore Chart on the way right now for summer. Whippin’ these kids into shape one day at a time :-).
I’ve got her notepads, file folders, gift labels, and more. Yea, I’m kind of obsessed. Getting a box at your doorstep from Erin Condren is better than a box from Edible Arrangements. That’s a big statement from me.
Smarty Steal: $10 off your first order at Erin Condren
Use this link to make your first purchase at Erin Condren and receive $10 off your first order! Hope this brings tons of COLOR to your week! π
Where to find Erin Condren
* Disclaimer: I was lucky enough to have give me the new LifePlanner to review. Thanks, Erin Condren!!! You are one Smarty Mama – thanks for helping us be one, too π